
God’s Word is the final standard and authority. Therefore, our teachings are grounded in the Bible, which we believe to be the most epic story of all time! It all points to Jesus and we want to illuminate that in our teaching. We believe that God’s Word has practical application for our lives so that we can be people who boldly share the Gospel.


Worship is far more about who we are than what we do. It is the posture of our hearts before our incredible God! His Word tells us that our act of worship is offering our lives for His Kingdom. A significant part of that is giving Him praise for who He is and what He has done. At Zeal, we want to use our time, gifts, treasures, & talents to creatively give God His breath back.


It’s all about loving God and loving people. It truly is that simple. We are convinced that the best way that can happen is through creatively cultivating diversity. Our differences don’t divide. They make us stronger! We are united under the name of Jesus. He has empowered us to impact people with the Gospel everywhere we go. We are a people who want to put Jesus on display for the world to see.